100 Photo Infographic
from my Grandmother's Collections
1936 –
Client Personal
Role Designer
Discipline Infographic, Data Analysis,
Information Architecture, Photo Editing
A collection of 100 ”objects”of my choice. I chose 100 photos from my grandmothers photo collection. This is my own interpretation of a family tree, based on the family members that appeared in the collection.
I had to consider Wurman's LATCH principle and Tufte's Principles of Analytic Design, and identified 7 or more unique properties, through which I organized and sorted in my database.
The principals that I chose were:
Date of the photo
Family members by generation
The identity of the family member found in the photo
Date of birth * and Date of Death ✝
If they were a maternal relative
Specific Life event captured in photo
Description of photo
Photo Type such as portrait, generational etc.
Personal favorites
The specific life events for each photo are identifiable by the color line that string the photo to the identification of the family member. As my grandmothers life unfolds in this timeline you can see that weddings, in blue, are at first more frequent and as time goes on the family photos, in yellow, start to dominate this time frame or her life time.
** I specifically chose photos before I was born. I intentionally did this to narrow down the collection and to specifically learn about family members that I had never met. This project allowed me to spend some quality time with my grandmother and allowed me to learn more about my family tree.
R.I.P. Grammy Nix March 15, 1938 - April 21, 2015